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93, Pau Chung Street

Building Details

93 Pau Chung Street is developed by Urban Renewal Authority and Lai Sun, offering 209 units from 294 to 552 sqft.

93 Pau Chung Street is developed by Urban Renewal Authority and Lai Sun, offering 209 units from 294 to 552 sqft.

Features & Facts

Address : 93, Pau Chung Street
Date of Occupation Permit : 7/2018 (6 Years)
Developer :

Lai Sun / Urban Renewal Authority

Club House
Pet Friendly
Latest transactions and listings in 93, Pau Chung Street

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Transactions 1-Mth
Price per Sqft 1-Mth
loading /Sqft
  • 6M
  • 1Y
  • 3Y
  • 5Y

Recent Transactions

Transaction Date Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat
2023-06-01 HK$6.01M 0/349 Sqft HK$17,221 15 Floor C
2023-01-10 HK$6.00M 0/334 Sqft HK$17,964 22 Floor F
2022-06-20 HK$6.90M 0/333 Sqft HK$20,721 26 Floor D
2022-05-31 HK$6.55M 0/327 Sqft HK$20,031 17 Floor B
2022-01-10 HK$6.50M 0/333 Sqft HK$19,520 16 Floor G
2022-01-06 HK$7.02M 0/333 Sqft HK$21,081 26 Floor G

Market Snapshot

Sales Snapshot

Rental Snapshot

Public Transport

Sung Wong Toi MTR Station (0.6 km)
To Kwa Wan MTR Station (0.6 km)