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Admiralty offices

Welcome to Admiralty

Admiralty is an extension of the CBD and is bordered by the splendour of Victoria Harbour to the north and Wai Chai to the east. Although it is mostly a shopping and business district, Admiralty is appointed with a fair number of residential developments that can be had in several sizes and prices. For the most current properties for rent or sale available in Admiralty, hover to our interactive maps section. Admiralty is not only a delight for first time Hong Kong home buyers but also property investors owing to plethora of places of interest in the area. These include two primary and expansive shopping malls namely Pacific Place and Queensway Plaza, the Museum of Tea Ware, Aviary and Conservatory and most importantly Admiralty Station. To ease your buying decision and to get a great insight into homes in Hong Kong particularly Admiralty, browse through our neighbourhood and building guides section or get in touch at

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