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The Grampian

Building Details

The Grampian provides 14 units in which typcial unit sizes at 2077 sq.ft. while special units are 2,134 sq.ft.

The Grampian provides 14 units in which typcial unit sizes at 2077 sq.ft. while special units are 2,134 sq.ft.

Features & Facts

Address : 11, Grampian Road
Date of Occupation Permit : 6/2016 (8 Years)
Developer :

Hanison Constrcution

Club House
Pet Friendly
Latest transactions and listings in The Grampian

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Transactions 1-Mth
Price per Sqft 1-Mth
loading /Sqft
  • 6M
  • 1Y
  • 3Y
  • 5Y

Recent Transactions

Transaction Date Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat
2019-10-28 HK$59.00M 0/2135 Sqft HK$27,635 5 Floor A
2019-10-28 HK$123.00M 0/2214 Sqft HK$55,556 8 Floor A
2019-10-28 HK$68.00M 0/2135 Sqft HK$31,850 7 Floor B
2019-10-28 HK$93.50M 0/2214 Sqft HK$42,231 8 Floor B
2018-08-28 HK$106.00M 0/2135 Sqft HK$49,649 7 Floor A
2017-12-19 HK$73.00M 0/2135 Sqft HK$34,192 2 Floor B

Market Snapshot

Sales Snapshot

Rental Snapshot

Public Transport

Sung Wong Toi MTR Station (0.6 km)