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116, Mau Po Village

Building Details

Discover the latest properties in 116, Mau Po Village 茅莆116號 on Spacious. Explore up-to-date listings, view detailed photos, and find your perfect property for sale or rent today!

Discover the latest properties in 116, Mau Po Village 茅莆116號 on Spacious. Explore up-to-date listings, view detailed photos, and find your perfect property for sale or rent today!

Features & Facts

Address : 116, Mau Po Village
Latest transactions and listings in 116, Mau Po Village

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Recent Transactions

Transaction Date Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat
2018-12-28 HK$22.21M N/A HK$0 GROUND Floor
2015-05-14 HK$18.00M N/A HK$0 GROUND Floor

Market Snapshot

Sales Snapshot

Rental Snapshot