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286 The Southside apartments for rent

Blocks in The Southside with listings
Net Size
For Rent Price Range
For Rent
383 - 1,218
HK$55 - 73
HK$22,500 - 89,500
290 - 919
HK$52 - 78
HK$19,000 - 65,000
496 - 751
HK$53 - 65
HK$26,500 - 49,000
481 - 1,420
HK$50 - 74
HK$24,000 - 100,000
370 - 1,158
HK$50 - 65
HK$19,000 - 75,000
368 - 856
HK$53 - 65
HK$22,000 - 56,000
604 - 921
HK$53 - 64
HK$35,000 - 55,000
553 - 638
HK$53 - 61
HK$29,500 - 39,000
486 - 680
HK$61 - 68
HK$30,000 - 41,500