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Grand Garden Block 1

Building Details

Spacious has 1 properties in Grand Garden Block 1 華景園1座, 61 South Bay Road, Repulse Bay.
View up to date listing photos and use our search filters to find the perfect property for sale or rent in Repulse Bay.

Spacious has 1 properties in Grand Garden Block 1 華景園1座, 61 South Bay Road, Repulse Bay.
View up to date listing photos and use our search filters to find the perfect property for sale or rent in Repulse Bay.

Features & Facts

Address : 61, South Bay Road
Club House
Pet Friendly
Latest transactions and listings in Grand Garden Block 1

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Transactions 1-Mth
Price per Sqft 1-Mth
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Recent Transactions

Transaction Date Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat
2022-11-10 HK$78.00M 3061/2491 Sqft HK$31,313 8 Floor B
2021-08-09 HK$80.00M 3061/2491 Sqft HK$32,116 11 Floor B
2021-07-14 HK$159.00M 4333/2491 Sqft HK$63,830 29 Floor B
2021-03-24 HK$78.00M 3054/2482 Sqft HK$31,426 6 Floor A
2020-04-08 HK$86.80M 3054/2482 Sqft HK$34,972 24 Floor A
2019-05-15 HK$96.60M 3061/2491 Sqft HK$38,780 27 Floor B

Market Snapshot

Sales Snapshot

Rental Snapshot

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