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In One Phase 1A In One Above
1, Chung Hau Street
Features & Facts
Lister (Agent) : Cherry Li | C-002504 Quality Agent
Company : Ricacorp Properties Limited, The Leighton Hill | C-002504
Spacious Ref : S13175716
External Ref : BW97568755
Last Updated : 2024-01-03 00:00 (HKT)
  • Floor
  • Parking Spaces
  • Furnished
  • Balcony
  • Maid's Quarters
  • Club House
  • Gym
  • Pool
  • Lift
  • Open View
  • Garden View
  • Closed kitchen
Property Summary

🔰 九龍市區傳統豪宅地段
🔰 金門建築精心品牌打造
🔰 特高樓底 3.225米
🔰 傳統名校34校網 傳承經典
🔰 2⃣️站會展 站直達金鐘CBD
🔰 交通四通八達 貫通全港核心地帶
🔰 千億品牌華懋精心打造
🔰 9.5萬呎園林會所室內外泳池

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Sale Price Comparison
Compared to other listings in Hong Kong, prices in Ho Man Tin are
30% lower
Avg. Sale Price By No. of Bedrooms
Ho Man Tin Hong Kong