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Jade Grove
Tsing Fat Lane
Features & Facts
Lister (Agent) : scorpiolee1016 | S-687044 Quality Agent
Company : Midland Realty-Vision CIty | E-423723
Spacious Ref : S13969410
External Ref : M300338245
Last Updated : 2024-09-06 20:37 (HKT)
  • Floor
  • Parking Spaces
  • Furnished
  • Balcony
  • Maid's Quarters
Property Summary

青玥琳洋房18號 18B
連有蓋車位 連天台 連露台 寵物天地
實用面積:2,326尺 4房(4套房)+2個工人房/儲物室/多用途房

Spacious Analysis and Data
Price History
Sale Price Comparison
Compared to other listings in Hong Kong, prices in Siu Lam are
39% lower
Avg. Sale Price By No. of Bedrooms
Siu Lam Hong Kong
For Rent
Net 2326 Sqft @HK$30
4 Bedroom(s)
6 Bathroom(s)
12 Year(s)