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Ocean Camino Phase 1
8, Kwun Chui Road
Features & Facts
Lister (Agent) : scorpiolee1016 | S-687044 Quality Agent
Company : Midland Realty-Vision CIty | E-423723
Spacious Ref : S13969344
External Ref : M302647626
Last Updated : 2024-09-05 23:06 (HKT)
  • Floor
  • Parking Spaces
  • Furnished
  • Maid's Quarters
  • Personal Garden
  • Open View
  • Garden View
  • Closed kitchen
Property Summary

緹岸 管翠路8號4房4套獨立屋
罕有獨立屋 放租 實用面積:2260尺4房(4套房),1個工人房/儲物室/多用途房,6浴室/洗手間
大型社區, 寧靜優閒 寫意舒適 地下花園連平台連天台 ,寵物屋苑

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Compared to other listings in Hong Kong, prices in Gold Coast / So Kwun Wat are
67% lower
Avg. Sale Price By No. of Bedrooms
Gold Coast / So Kwun Wat Hong Kong