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5 Places you should visit in Sham Shui Po

Hong Kong Living | March 3, 2016

Most people immediately think of Apliu Street Flea Market and the Golden Computer Center. But there are more to Sham Shui Po than meet the eyes; in fact, there are plenty of great places to visit that most people don’t know. So here, I bring to you 5 alternate places to visit in Sham Shui Po.

1. The Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong

SCAD Hong KongThe building that is now home to the SCAD was previously the North Kowloon Magistracy. It was converted into the SCAD Hong Kong campus in 2010. A school for design and art, the campus shows an innovative use of space by turning the first court into a lecture hall and preserving the prisoner corner. The Greek architectural style and various decorations give the campus an added elegant feel, and the Moot Gallery offers free tours bookable online.

Address: 292 Tai Po Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

(Exit D2 from Sham Shui Po MTR)

2. Garden Hill

嘉頓山的日落If you are looking to get away from the busy city life and enjoy a gorgeous sunset view, then Garden Hill is the place to go. The path to the peak is near the Mei Ho House Youth Hostel, it only takes you twenty minutes to ascend this 90.6m high mountain. Not only can you admire the Instagram worthy dusk that will gain you a million likes, you also get the hustle of Sham Shui Po as a backdrop.


3. Mei Ho House

美荷樓 Mei Ho House
Prior to it being turned into YHA Youth Hostel

A Grade II Historical building in Hong Kong, it’s the only surviving H-shape apartment blocks in Hong Kong that is testimony to the housing development of Hong Kong. Now a YHA Youth Hostel that welcome visitors from all over the world, you can better understand the Mei Ho tenants and their living conditions here and revisit the Old Hong Kong.

Address: Block 41 Shek Kip Mei Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

(Exit B2 from Sham Shui Po MTR)


4. ‘Toy’ Street

Fuk Wing Street is well known as the ‘Toy’ Street, and this is due to it being a toy and festive costumes wholesale district, gather a plethora of quirky and unique toy stores and boutiques. Every Chirstmas and Mid-Autumn Festival, every shop along the entire street would be full of decorations and trinkets that would delight both old and young. If you are suddenly feeling nostalgic and want to find some old toys, you won’t be disappointed here!

Address: Fuk Wing Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

(Exit B2 Sham Shui Po MTR)


5. Nam Cheong Park

EA1_0155.jpgHome to the largest grassland in Hong Kong with a sense of serenity found nowhere else, it’s the perfect place for a family outing. Walking path, children’s playground – the park is well stocked in facilities, but its main attraction falls on the thirty golden trumpet trees that blossomed into a sea of yellow in March. If you want more photos to boast on social media, then this is the place!

Address: Number 20 Sham Mong Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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