Chinese Buyers are become increasingly active in the global real estate markets, and they have definitely been a driving force behind the property scene in Hong Kong. For property sellers or even landlords out there, being contacted by Chinese buyers is inevitable and here’s some tips to how to handle the situation:
- Mandarin
Speaking Mandarin is a plus, because communication is key when it comes to ironing out the finer details on top of being clear with each other about your expectations. It is worthwhile to hire someone (or even just asks a friend for help) to make sure there is no misunderstanding either side. And it shows that you are serious about the deal.
- Know the custom
People from different parts of the world operate differently, and the same can be said even between provinces and even from one city to the next. Know what is commonly one or said in China during the property negotiation stages would be invaluable, and stops you from accidentally offend the buyer or scaring them off.
Let’s not forget that We Chat is the dominant form of social media in China, and its popularity rivals what Whatsapp is to the rest of the world. Using We Chat to stay in touch will really recommend you to them and is probably the norm in China. In fact, if you want your business to really bloom in China, getting yourself on the We Chat platform is paramount.
- Have dinner with them
Chatting over dinner and introducing them to Hong Kong’s food scene might just be the setting you need. Getting to know them better and connecting on a more personable level would not only show them that you are dedicated to this deal but also let them know that you are a good character. And people prefer to make deals with those that they like.
- Be quick and patient
Make sure that you are ready for the deal when it comes, but also be patient as the potential buyer asks you a million questions and consider their option. Because the deal might come as fast as the first showing or as slow as after several dinners.