Ocean Pride Prices Up 2-10% for 122 Flats
Cheung Kong Property yesterday launched 122 flats at its Ocean Pride project in Tsuen Wan West at prices 2% to 10% higher than the previous batch. The average price in the latest batch is HK$17,514 per square foot, and the discounted prices range from HK$5.94 million to HK$25.16 million, or HK$12,700 to HK$22,000 per square foot. On offer are 21 one-bedroom flats, 44 two- bedroom units, 54 three-bedroom apartments and three four-bedroom flats. It has so far sold 842 units in the first phase.
Knight Frank: Home Price to Rise 5-10%
Knight Frank said it expects home prices to rise by 5% to 10% in the second half despite the Monetary Authority’s further tightening of rules on the grant of mortgage loans. Senior director and head of valuation and consultancy Thomas Lam said strong demand, with developers offering financial incentives to buyers, can support prices.
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