Housing Feasibility of Two Country Parks will be Studied
The Hong Kong Housing Society will study the feasibility of building public housing and elderly homes on 40 hectares of land on the fringes of Tai Lam and Ma On Shan country parks. The Housing Society will be using its own resources to conduct the HK$10 million study while the government will provide technical data and information. “The purpose of this study is to provide objective analyses and enable rational deliberations by the community,” a government spokesman said.
18 Vacant Schools are Suggested for Residential Use
The Planning Department is reviewing the use of 183 abandoned campuses. The biggest number of campuses under review are in Yuen Long – 50 – followed by 35 in North District and 26 in Tai Po. 18 sites have been suggested for or turned into homes, 5 are in Yuen Long, 4 in Kwai Tsing, 2 in Sham Shui Po and the rest in Central and Western, Eastern, North, Sai Kung, Tuen Mun, Wong Tai Sin and Islands districts.
Ocean Pride at an Average Price of HK$15,772
Cheung Kong Property (1113) is offering two separate financing schemes to purchasers at its Ocean Pride project in Tsuen Wan, where the company rolled out its first 216 flats yesterday at an average price of HK$15,772 per saleable square foot. The average per saleable square foot price at Ocean Pride is said to be close to the current secondary market price in Tsuen Wan district.
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