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2/20 News Roundup: K.City Launched 3rd Price Listing comprising 152 Units, Eden Manor to Roll Out 118 Flats

Hong Kong Property | February 20, 2017

K.City Launched 3rd Price Listing comprising 152 Units
K Wah International sold all 208 flats available at its Kai Tak project – K.City – on Saturday, reaping about HK$2 billion. Company general manager Tony Wan Wai-ming said one first time buyer spent HK$140 million to snap up 15 flats at the development. K Wah had launched its third price list comprising 152 units at K.City on the weekend, and will put on sale another 168 flats on Wednesday. Discounted prices ranged from HK$6.2 million to HK$18.2 million, or between HK$16,772 and HK$22,961 per saleable square foot. The average discounted price is HK$19,873, 4.7% higher than the last price list.

Eden Manor to Roll Out 118 Flats
Henderson Land launched the first batch of 118 flats at its Fanling project Eden Manor on Saturday, at discount prices between HK$5.9 million and HK$23.1 million. Another 62 flats will hit the market on March 4. Meanwhile, Cheung Kong Property will put on sale 20 houses from its Ngau Tam Mei project – Crescendo – on Thursday, pricing from HK$18.39 million.

18 Deals Recorded in Ten Major Estates on Weekend
In the secondary market, statistics from Midland Realty showed 18 home deals were recorded in the 10 major housing estates it tracks on the weekend, up from nine deals in the previous weekend.

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