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12/23 News Roundup: Goldin Won MTR Ho Man Tin Residential Project, Hang Lung Received 1,489 Subscriptions for The Long Beach

Hong Kong Property | December 23, 2016

Goldin Won MTR Ho Man Tin Residential Project
MTR Corporation said on Thursday that Gold Brilliant Investment, a consortium led by Goldin Financial Holdings, had won the tender to develop the Ho Man Tin Station phase one property development. Goldin won the first plot at Sheung Shing Street in Ho Man Tin for HK$6.38 billion in March through government tender. The two sites are estimated to provide over 1,500 residential units in 1.3-million-square-foot gross floor area.

Hang Lung Received 1,489 Subscriptions for The Long Beach
Hang Lung Properties received 1,489 subscriptions for the 48 flats from its Tai Kok Tsui project — The Long Beach on sale this Saturday. Meanwhile, Cheung Kong Property Investment Director Wong Sze-chung said the company sold four flats from its project in Ma Tau Kok – The Zumurud since it had launched the promotion offering first-class air tickets to Paris to the first five buyers last week. He said the company would add five more quotas to the promotion.

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